Whether you’re transferring to or from the Chesapeake District, YOU start the process. Depending on your credential, that process is slightly different. See below for more information.

Ministerial Students Desiring Transfer

You start the transfer process by sending an email. Click below for an email template to help you compose that email. Once all parties have received your email, you will receive approval from both the receiving and departing districts and Education & Clergy Department (ECD).

Licensed, Commissioned & Ordained Ministers Desiring Transfer

You will need to sign in to the Ministerial Community (click below to sign in) and follow these instructions:

  1. Click “My Profile.”

  2. On the profile page, click “Initiate District Transfer.”

    Departing District: The departing district will automatically populate.
    Receiving District: Choose the district to which you wish to transfer.
    Receiving Church: You can enter the church to which you wish to transfer, but this is not a required field.
    Transfer Reason: You must give an explanation for your desire to transfer.

  3. Click “Save” and you will immediately be returned to the profile page.

Upon submission, an email will be sent to the pastor, the district administrators of both the receiving and departing districts, and headquarters confirming the request to transfer.